Fishing "Cubbie" on Illinois Rivers
I have been testing the Cubbie for about a month on my local waters with very good success. These water are smaller and I could not wait to fish it on a bigger water.
I would be throwing the 1/16th oz Minnow Head Cubbie which Jimmy sent me with a bit shorter hair. I targeted areas along shores that drop quickly to 6 to7 feet of water.
If you look at the photos of the Cubbie on the web page it may not look that impressive but in the water it comes alive.
I would cast toward shore let if hit bottom and sit there then give it a slow rod lift and let the jig drop down again. It was slowly working it's way down to that 6 plus foot range which is only about 3 feet off the shore.
The smallies would grab it on the fall. The more I use Cubbie the more I love it. The bear hair gives it a creepy action in the water.
Ended the day with 15 smallies most between 17 to 18.5 inches the largest a 19inch well feed fish that scaled in at 4.5 lbs. This is definitely a jig that will catch fish!
-Frank "Mr. Kayak" of IL. Oct. 2020